Red Comet
Red Comet Press is an independent children’s book publisher, based in Brooklyn, with a focus on illustrated storytelling. We publish a wide range of international voices including books in translation from countries such as France, Italy, Germany, Czechia, Japan, and Ukraine. Red Comet also originates books in English with new and established authors from the UK, Ireland, Australia, and the United States. We are passionate about bringing literature for children from a broad spectrum of creators to a wide audience of readers.

Featured New Releases
Tiny Floating Coral (Start Small, Think Big #3)
Follow the life cycle of a tiny coral planula and learn the broader impact of coral reefs on the health of our oceansTiny Floating Coral starts...
Really Bird, Really Lucky (Really Bird Stories #7)
In this latest adventure, Really Bird finds a beautiful red box and spends the day deciding what to use it for. Meet Really Bird, a small bird...
We Sing From the Heart
How The Slants® Took Their Fight for Free Speech to the Supreme Court
An American Library Association Notable Children's BookJunior Library Guild Gold SelectionCalifornia Eureka Non-Fiction Award Honor BookNCTE...
Is a Book a Box for Words?
A STEAM-centered exploration of boxes to spark scientific inquiry in a fun and engaging way! There are so many types and uses for boxes, it's...