Good Eats 2 The Middle Years

Good Eats 2

The Middle Years

  • ISBN: 9781584798576
  • Publication Date: October 1, 2010


Price: $40.00

Good Eats 2: The Middle Years showcases everything Alton Brown fans have ever wanted to know about his award-winning Food Network television show, featuring behind-the-scenes photographs and trivia, science-of-food information, cooking tips, and—of course—recipes.

With hundreds of entertaining photographs, along with Brown’s inimitable line drawings and signature witty writing, this comprehensive companion book conveys the same wildly creative spirit as the show itself.

Alton Brown’s particular genius lies in teaching the chemistry of cooking with levity and exuberance. From “Fit to Be Tied” (meat roulades), “Crustacean Nation” (crab), and “Ill-Gotten Grains” (wheat products), Brown explains everything from how to make the perfect omelet to how to stuff your own sausages.

Good Eats series:
Good Eats: The Early Years
Good Eats 2: The Middle Years
Good Eats 3: The Later Years
Good Eats 4: The Final Years