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Breakfast at Tiffany's Notecards

Breakfast at Tiffany's Notecards

  • ISBN: 9781419719790
  • Publication Date: February 7, 2017


Boxed Set
Price: $16.95

Inspired by the beloved character Holly Golightly from the classic film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, this chic set of boxed notecards features the character’s signature one-liners paired with exquisite illustrations of the movie’s most popular icons: “I must say the mind reels.” is typeset underneath Holly’s cat eye sunglasses and her multi-strand pearls are elegantly draped alongside “Oh golly gee damn!” With 10 unique designs (two each, for a total of 20 cards), these stylishly clever cards are perfect for expressing everything from profuse gratitude to hearty congratulations. As an added bonus, each of the 20 envelopes is sealed with a kiss!

© 2017 Paramount Pictures, All rights reserved