Craft Errata: Knitting Nature
Your edition of this book may contain errors in the following patterns; the corrections for these errors appear in bold type:
Asymmetrical Cardigan
(First and Second Printing)
Page 14
Under RIGHT FRONT, Shape Front Neck, the # of remaining sts should be 82 (86, 90, 96, 100), not 86 (90, 94, 100, 104).
(First Printing)
Under BACK, Shape Sleeve: After completing BO’s, work even for 10″, not 13″.
Basalt Tank
(First Printing)
Page 16
Row 7 should read as follows:
Row 7: P1, *p1, yo, p2tog; repeat from * to last st, p1. Redistribute markers, if necessary, so that you have 27 (29, 31, 33, 35) sts between markers.
Page 19
The following changes should be made to the Inside Section:
Rows 1, 3, and 5 (WS): P1, knit to last st, p1.
Row 7: P1, *p1, yo, p2tog; repeat from * to last st, p1. Redistribute markers, if necessary, so that you have 11 sts between markers.
Rows 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17: Purl.
The following change should be made to the 5/6 Hexagon 5:
CO 32 (34, 36, 38, 40) sts, pick up and knit 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts along side D of Hexagon 1, and 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts along side E of Hexagon 3 <CO 31, 33, 35, 37, 39) sts>, CO 63 (67, 71, 75, 79) sts –157 (167, 177, 187, 197) sts. Work as for Hexagon 4.
The following change should be made to the Full Hexagon 6:
CO 32 (34, 36, 38, 40) sts, pick up and knit 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts along side B of Hexagon 2 <CO 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts>, pick up and knit 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts along side B of Hexagon 4, CO 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts, pick up and knit 31 (33, 35, 37, 39) sts along side D of Hexagon 5, and 32 (34, 36, 38, 40) sts along side D of Hexagon 3 <CO 32 (34, 36, 38, 40) sts> – 188 (200, 212, 224, 236) sts. Work as for Hexagon 1.
Page 20
Delete the following sentence:
Sew Hexagons 7 and 6 to 4 and 5 as indicated on diagram.
Row 7 should read as follows:
Row 7: P1, *p1, yo, p2tog; repeat from * to last st, p1. Redistribute markers, if necessary, so that you have 55 (57, 59, 61, 63) sts to the first marker, 27 (29, 31, 33, 35) sts to the second marker, and 55 (57, 59, 61, 63) sts to the end.
(Second Printing only)
Row 7 should read as follows:
Row 7: P1, *pl, yo, p2tog…, not P1, *p2tog, yo…
Hex Coat
(First Printing)
Page 24
Under BACK, Shape Armholes:
…then dec 1 st each side every other row 3 (3, 3, 2, 2) times – 64 (68, 72, 76, 80) sts remain. Work even until piece measures same as for Left Front to shoulder, ending with a WS row. (RS) BO 16 (18, 20, 22, 24) sts at beginning of next 2 rows – 32 sts remain. Work 2 rows even.
Page 25
Under FINISHING, Remaining Hexagons:
Using dpn, CO 30 sts. Divide sts evenly on 2 needles. Using a third needle, pick up and knit 10 sts along edge of preceding Hexagon, pick up and knit 20 sts in one Front indentation (10 sts each slope) – 60 sts. Join for working in the rnd,…
Snapping Turtle Skirt
(First Printing)
Page 32
Shape Triangle: (RS) Decrease 2 sts every other row 3 (4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7) times as follows: Knit to last 4 sts, k1, sssk….
Page 35
Under Shape Hexagon:
Work 2 (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) rnds even. Next rnd, *k2tog; repeat from * around–9 (6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 9) sts remain….
Under Bottom Trim:
With Rev St st side facing and using circ needle, pick up and knit 17 (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) sts along each side of each Row 4 Hexagon, plus one st at each Hexagon point – 210 (222, 234, 246, 258, 270, 282, 294, 306) sts. BO all sts knitwise.
Sand Dollar Pullover
(First and Second Printing)
Page 44
The 4th line beneath Upper Left Front should read: (RS) K1, m1, work to end – 29 (31, 33, 35) sts.
Page 45
The last symbol in the Key should read as follows: K3tog, but do not drop sts from left-hand needle, insert right-hand needle between first and secondsts and knit first 2 sts again, slip all 3 sts from left-hand needle together. Note that you are not knitting the first 2 sts together again, but 1 at a time. That way, you only decrease 2 sts on Row 13, so you end up with 5 sts, ready to work Row 14.
Swirled Pentagon Pullover
(First Printing)
Page 48
In Schematic for Back and Front, left-hand measurement from cast-on row to final bind off, not including Yoke, should read 16 1/4 (16 3/4, 17, 17 1/4, 17 1/2)”.
Page 49
Under Back Neck, after DO NOT JOIN:
Work in 1×1 Rib to last st, end k1. Row 1 (RS): Continuing in 1×1 Rib….
Starfish Shawl
(First and Second Printing)
Page 56
Reverse row numbers on Chart: odd numbers should be on the right side of Chart, even numbers should be on the left side of Chart.
Stitch #24 in Row 1 should be k1, not k2tog.
Stitch #17 in Row 7 should be k1, not a yo.
Pentagon Aran Pullover and Cardigan
(First and Second Printing)
Page 61
On the top of the chart, the “center back S, M” text and its arrow should be moved above the twist st on the other side of the chart, sts 8 and 9.
Nautilus Poncho
(First Printing)
Page 72
In the Schematic, total length (on left-hand side of the schematic), should be 128 1/2 (143 1/2)”. Lengths on right-hand side should be 22″ and 106 1/2 (121 1/2)”.
Cowl Pullover
(First and Second Printing)
Page 79
Shape Right Armhole Edge and Left Shoulder: (RS) BO 2 sts at beginning of next 10 (7, 7, 4, 4) RS rows. Work 1 (WS) row even. (RS) BO 3 sts at beginning of next 12 (16, 18, 22, 24) RS rows–18 (20, 22, 24, 26) sts remain.
Establish Spiral Pattern: Note: Each rnd will overlap the following rnd by 2 sts; reposition marker after working the last st. [K15 (17, 19, 21, 23) sts, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, [k2tog] twice] twice.
Shape Sleeve/Cowl: Continuing in pattern as established, increase 2 sts every 6 rnds as follows: **Rnd 1 (Inc Rnd 1): *Knit to next yo from previous rnd, k2, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2tog; repeat from * once, k2tog—43 (47, 51, 55, 59) sts. Rnds 2 and 3: *Knit to next yo from previous rnd, k2, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, [k2tog] twice; repeat from * once.
Rnd 4 (Inc Rnd 2): *Knit to next yo from previous rnd, k2, yo, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2tog*, k2tog; repeat from * to * once, k2—44 (48, 52, 56, 60) sts. Rnds 5 and 6: Repeat Rnd 2.
Repeat from ** until a total of 19 increases have been completed (including the first 2 increases in this series), ending with Rnd 3—61 (65, 69, 73, 77) sts.
Increase 2 sts every 8 rnds as follows:
***Rnd 1: Repeat Rnd 4 above—62 (66, 70, 74, 78) sts..
Rnds 2-4: Repeat Rnd 2 above.
Rnd 5: Repeat Rnd 1 above—63 (67, 71, 75, 79) sts.
Rnds 6-8: Repeat Rnd 2 above.
Repeat from *** until 36 (39, 41, 44, 46) more increases have been completed (including the first 2 increases in this series), ending with Rnd 5 (1, 1, 5, 5)—97 (104, 110, 117, 123) sts. Work even until piece measures….
Shell Tank
(First Printing)
Page 86
Using smaller needles, CO 21 (25, 33, 37) sts….
Work even as established for 1”, ending with a WS row. (RS) Change to larger needles and St st, knit 1 row, decrease 1 (0, 3, 2) sts across row – 20 (25, 30, 35) sts remain. Work even for 1″, ending with a WS row.
Page 89
Sew right shoulder seam. Neckband: Using smaller needles, beginning at Right Front, pick up and knit 98 (102, 102, 104) sts around neck shaping on Right Front and Back. Knit 1 row. Purl 1 row. Knit 1 row. BO all sts purlwise. Sew Center Front Cable Panel to Right and Left Fronts [see assembly diagram]. Sew left shoulder seam. [Note: The number of sts on the Left Front and Back shoulders will differ from each other; however, due to the ribbing at the end of the Center Front Cable Panel, the width will be the same.] Armhole Edging: Using smaller needles, pick up and knit 88 (94, 100, 106) sts around armhole edge. Work as for Neckband. Sew side seams.
Page 90
Row 25, st #15 should be a purl.
The following cable crosses should be as follows: Slip 2 sts to cn, hold to back, k2, p2 from cn: Row 59, st #’s 26-29; Row 61, st #’s 24-27; Row 63, st #’s 22-25; Row 65, st #’s 20-23; Row 67, st #’s 18-21; Row 69, st #’s 16-19; Row 71, st #’s 14-17.
Page 91
Row 141, st# 18 should be a knit.
Ram’s Horn Jacket
(First Printing)
Page 94
Under LEFT FRONT, Shape Neck:
BO 5 sts at beginning of row every other row once, 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts 3 times, then 1 st 0 (1, 2, 3, 4) times–20 (22, 23, 25, 26) sts remain,….
Page 95
Row 11: K1, [yo, p2tog] 3 times, k1.
Row 19: K1, [yo, p2tog] 5 times, k1.
Rows 22 and 24: P2, [yo, p2tog] 5 times, p2.
(First and Second Printing)
Page 93
Under BACK, Shape Armholes:
76 (82, 86, 92, 96) sts remain.
Page 95
Under COLLAR, last paragraph:
“Repeat from * until 39 sts have been increased each side, ending with a WS row–104 sts. Work even, working sts between markers in Openwork Stitch, and remaining sts in St st, until outside edges of piece measure 21 1/2 (22 1/2, 23, 23 3/4, 24 1/2)” from the beginning. (RS) Knit 2 rows…”
The following should be added to the beginning of Finishing before “Sew shoulder seams.”: Fold Body and Sleeve hems to WS at turning row. Sew to WS, being careful not to let sts show on RS.
Roundabout Leaf Tank
(First and Second Printing)
Page 108
Under Establish Border:
Row 1 (RS): K3, yo, ssk, k15, yo, ssk, k2.
Page 110
Under Change to Body Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K3, yo, ssk, k15, yo, ssk, k2.
(First Printing)
After Shape Top of Body: (RS) Discontinue working leaves. Decrease 1 st every 14 rows 17 times….
(First Printing)
Page 111
Under Establish Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K3, yo, ssk, k2 (2, 3, 3, 2), [p2, k2] 5 (6, 6, 7, 8) times, k1 (1, 2, 2, 1), yo, ssk, k2.
Ogee Tunic
(First Printing)
Page 128
Under FRONT – Shape Neck:
BO 10 sts at each neck edge once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once, then decrease 1 st at each neck edge every other row 5 times – 19 (22, 25, 28, 31) sts remain each side for shoulder….
Page 130
Chart, Row 29, sts 66-69 should be worked as a front cross cable, not a back cross cable.
Coastline Camisole and Skirt
(First and Second Printing)
Page 134
Using larger needles, CO 60 sts; begin lx1 Rib. Work even for 12/ “, ending with a RS row. (WS) Purl 1 row, increase 8 sts across row-68 sts.
Shape Raglan: (RS) Change to 1×1 Rib. Work even for 2 rows. Continuing in Rib as established, BO 2 (3, 3, 4) sts, at beginning of next 2 rows. Work even for 1 row. Decrease 1 st each side every other row 20 (19, 18, 18) times as follows: Kl, pl, ssk, work to last 4 sts, k2tog, p1, k1. Decrease 2 sts each side every other row 4 (6, 8, 9) times as follows: Kl, pl, sssk, work to last 5 sts, k3tog, p1, k1–5 (5, 7, 9) sts remain.
Work even for 2½”. BO all sts in pattern.
Page 141
Establish Pattern:
Set-up Row (RS): K18 (24, 30, 32, 38), place marker (pm), [k2, yo, ssk, k1, pm, k16 (16, 16, 20, 20), pm] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k1, pm, knit to end.
Page 145
Establish Pattern:
Set-up Row (RS): K30 (32, 34, 36, 38), place marker (pm), [k2, yo, ssk, k1, pm, k18 (22, 26, 30, 34), pm] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k1, pm, knit to end.
Vortex Street Pullover
(First and Second Printing)
Page 154
Row 41 (RS) should read: P3, k1, then complete row as shown.
Row 42 (WS) should read: K4, p2, k1, p2, k3.
Reflection Aran Pullover
(First and Second Printing)
Page 161
The first cable cross in Row 96 (which is over the first 9 stitches) is reversed. It should look exactly like the very first cable cross on Row 112.
Turbulence U-Neck Pullover
(First Printing)
Page 164
Chart should have Row 36, which is worked as for Row 34.
Moiré Skirt
(First Printing)
Page 170
Under GORES, insert the following text:
Note: Refer to chart for decreases only. Skirt is worked entirely in St st.
Delete the note from under FINISHING ON PAGE 171.