Craft Errata: Knitalong

Your edition of this book may contain errors in the following patterns; the corrections for these errors appear in bold type:

On page 121, in the left-hand column, after working Row 39 and working Rows 18-61 of Chart C 4 times, work Rows 18-44 of Chart C once (not Rows 18-54 as stated).

On page 123, the fourth symbol down on the left of the key should read as follows: Make 1 purlwise on RS, make 1 knitwise on WS.

On page 123, in Chart C, Row 48, stitch #13 and #16 should be purl dots, and should be worked as knit stitches on the WS.

On page 123, in Chart C, Row 50, stitch #12 and #17 should be blank, and should be worked as purl stitches on the WS.