
Skittledog, named for a lively little dogfish, publishes books and gifts that focus on creativity, lifestyle, and fun. Launched by Thames & Hudson in 2022, the imprint will publish books and gifts in a wide variety of formats, unified by distinctive contemporary illustration and arresting titling.

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Cover image for Four Seasons Create Four Elegant Collages with the Images in this Surprising Kit

Four Seasons

Create Four Elegant Collages with the Images in this Surprising Kit


Four Seasons: Create Four Elegant Collages with the Images in this Surprising Kit is a unique introduction to the art of collage. In the same...

Cover image for Walk in the Woods An Intricate Coloring Book

A Walk in the Woods

An Intricate Coloring Book


Take a creative walk through the woods without even leaving your home with illustrator Leila Duly's coloring book A Walk in the Woods. Woodlands...

Cover image for Kawaii! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Cute Japanese Drawing


Your Step-by-Step Guide to Cute Japanese Drawing


Unbelievably cute and easy-to-follow kawaii drawing, broken down into step-by-step exercises that anyone can master. A completely immediate and...

Cover image for Ransom Note Sticker Book Thousands of letters for your anonymous messages

The Ransom Note Sticker Book

Thousands of letters for your anonymous messages


Award-winning graphic designer and author Luke Herriott invites you to create uniquely idiosyncratic messages or decorate your stuff with these...

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(Of 36 products)